The Four Goals of my Art:
1. To pause and intrigue the viewer.
2. To facilitate the viewer in questioning assumptions.
3. To transport the viewer to worlds of other possibility.
4. To open the heart of the viewer.
“In a world of many stimulations and as many assumptions, I aim to bring the viewer to a halt and through imaginative visual communication, to facilitate him or her in questioning every assumption. Although things are supposed to be like “this”, my art suggests that they are actually more like “that”. When categories are loser, it is easier to bring heart to the situation.”
Qualities of my art
I use vibrant colours, high contrast and shadow to create tension and emotional intensity in my images. My paintings are often dark in theme and likely to trigger emotional processes in the viewer. Certain themes are omnipresent in my art: The city, sexuality, the cosmos, animals, the Human condition.
Shared 3 years ago
Shared 4 years ago