I am into aviation and have been since I was young. I particularly like autogyros! My dad took me to an airshow at a local airport back in 1968. A guy with a small pusher prop autogyro was part of the airshow. While he was flying, my dad explained the general concpepts of autogyros and why they came to be. From that point on....I was hooked!
I like making movies documenting my autogyro and aviation endevors in general.
I seriously injured my back last year. Since then...the pain of going down to the basement and experimenting has gotten too extreme for me. So....no new videos of anything really. I can't gor fly my planes and gyro like I used to either so no new flying videos. Just my old stuff.
I am reworking a lot of my older videos as a "project" to keep the mind busy and to take up some time during the day. I would rather stay creative than just staring at the TV all day!!!!
Thanks for stopping by.