I'm Kristýna and my channel is all about self help, personal development, psychology and mental health. Imagine freedom within yourself and release yourself if anything troubles you!

On my channel I will present to you practical and useful concepts for your life. With self-help videos you can little by little improve your life in many ways.

In general, I like to combine western psychology with eastern traditions and wisdom. If I find some knowledge valuable, I like to share it! :)

You are more than welcome to comment on my videos (or share, like, subscribe - if you want :)).

DISCLAIMER: I am not in direct contact with your daily situation and life circumstances and therefore Imagine Freedom channel is not liable in any way for any potential damages you might suffer due to applying presented concepts in your life. It is important to direct your own life wisely and apply your own intellect. With freedom comes responsibility! :)

#PersonalDevelopment #SelfHelp #ImagineFreedom


Shared 5 years ago