Nutrition and natural therapies for prevention and healing.

Hi there! My name is Chris Wark. I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Colon Cancer in 2003, at 26 years old. I had surgery but refused chemo. Instead, I used nutrition and natural therapies to heal myself. By the grace of God, I'm alive and kicking, cancer-free, and in the best shape of my life. :)

Topics include holistic health, cancer prevention, nutrition, natural and alternative cancer treatments and therapies, and fitness.
This information saved my life!

I am the author of three books: Chris Beat Cancer, Beat Cancer Daily, and the Beat Cancer Kitchen Cookbook. Get them on Amazon here:


Affiliate disclosure: I post links to products on Amazon (like my books) from time to time. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. I also receive compensation from other products I recommend from time to time. I only recommend products I use and love. :)