My a/cs Exclusively
❤️ Alain and beginning uploads few until I found Bruno Pelletier in 10.2015. The spectacular chemistry/synergies bring different look on both. My uploads tripled.. queeniewong07 maintain Alain prime while applewong (recently added back name queeniewong07) explicitly for Bruno.

- Bruno has excellent talents+passions.... I do not recall 1 single K-pop but surely only the best will be remembered.
My values:
- Why people particularly love certain arts as one find certain elements/beauties close to oneself or they are the exact beauties one's heart is searching/longed for. There are many stars and yet we are so lucky to find our amazing Bruno +Alain.

- Hv fun, wishes Bruno/Alain and everyone happy and in good health.
- Great Alain+Bruno +Music for life!