I sit in my thinking chair
Thinking and thinking
Not knowing why
Oh, now I know
What else is there to think about?
What most individuals think of
Money, money and more money
In this hectic everydayworld
Paying the bills, gas, fees, taxs, education
Money is what makes the world go around
In my eyes, I have yet to see
What this true economy is falling into
What is the becoming
Will be the beginning
What I hope is what it will bring
Society changes as years pass
But we the people, change even more
Everyday, in every life
What the society needs
Is peace and relief
I close my eyes thinking even more
How this world works
How everydy life is, or what it is
Howhistory changes the outcome
Of today, tomorrow and the future
Society is, is the society of the present
Linked to the past and starting over in the "now"
And I think again, what are the reasons behind society?
Shared 12 years ago
Shared 16 years ago