Worship Leader and Full-Time Minister for In-House Foursquare Church in Surrey, Canada ✝️
Preaching the Gospel online and in-person around the world 🌎
Jireh = The Lord will provide 🙌

Jireh Batulan

My first VLOG here in Chicago is up!! I was able to share the Gospel within 10 minutes of arriving at the airport in Chicago! CHECK OUT HERE!


6 days ago | [YT] | 7

Jireh Batulan


I want to share something exciting with you all! I'm heading to Chicago tomorrow for my first ever solo missions trip! It’s a big step for me, especially since this is my first missions trip where I won’t know anyone, but I know in my heart that God is calling me to go.

During the trip, I’ll be participating in the Jesus Freedom March and I'll be doing street evangelism, sharing the gospel, praying for revival, and believing for a move of God all across the West. The organizers of this event are former members of the LGBT community and have chosen to dedicate their lives for Jesus. The reason why the Jesus Freedom March is happening is to bring together people who share the same testimony of having left the LGBT lifestyle and joining hands to intercede and believe for the salvation and deliverance of all members of the LGBT community all over America and the West. As someone who carries a heart for souls within the LGBT community to be saved, I know God has called me to be part of this mission.

Since this is my first time going on a trip like this alone, I would absolutely love some support, both in prayer and financially! If you feel led to help out in any way, I would be super grateful. Every little bit helps. If you'd like to support me, you can either:

Donate by card through PayPal by clicking here: www.paypal.com/donate/?business=M8ZREURFYVTJ2&no_r…

Or, if you are Canadian, E-Transfer to jireh.batulan@gmail.com

Thanks so much for considering this and for being part of this journey with me! Your support means the world, and I know God’s got big things in store for this trip. I will be posting daily VLOGs on my social media as well so that you can keep track of everything that I'm doing and how God is moving in Chicago. Also, if you'd like to be included in a WhatsApp group so that you're notified every time I have an update or post one of my VLOGs, please be sure to let me know! Thank you so much again!


1 week ago | [YT] | 15

Jireh Batulan

Last Sunday, I had the honour of sharing the Sunday message at In-House Foursquare Church - Prince George in the city of Prince George, BC! It was to an audience of over 120 people and the Holy Spirit moved powerfully! One person rededicated their life to Christ and many people, after the service ended, were able to receive prayer and prophetic words from the Lord working through me! I was also able to speak with the Conservative party nominee for Prince George encouraging her and sharing the love of God to her! Many people in the audience were also members of the LGBT Community and I was able to share my testimony that was woven into my message with them! It doesn't matter what they thought about me afterwards. All that matters was that the Truth of Jesus was shared with love and I'm so honored that God opened this door of opportunity for me to speak life into the people of this city! This was an amazing experience and I praise the Lord for everything He is doing in Prince George and for everything He is doing in me!

Thank you so much Pastor Jhun, Pastor Marie, Tita Liza, Tito Ron, Josh, Jabez, Jeiel, Becca, and everyone from In-House Prince George who welcomed me into the city and honored me with your time, a place to stay, and delicious food! I know I have an amazing family to come to if I ever need it up north and it puts a huge smile on my face! God bless you all abundantly!!

If you would like to watch my message, feel free to check out the live broadcast on the In-House Prince George Facebook page! Message me directly if you need help finding it.

"They overcame the devil by the blood of the Lamb, by the word of their testimony, and by not loving their lives even to the death." - Revelation 12:11

2 weeks ago (edited) | [YT] | 14

Jireh Batulan

TESTIMONY: During my Instagram Live last night, a young man asked for prayer and as I was prophesying over him I saw a crazy vision of Ancient Ruins with a door and the cartoon character Bart Simpson. I was hesitant to share it at first, but decided to push through. Turns out, his dad would call him Bart Simpson because of his haircut being similar! Additionally, the Ancient Ruins had significant meaning to him as well and tears started to flow! Even though we were thousands of miles away, He was encountering God because of a word the Holy Spirit shared through me online!! Thank You Jesus that You are always speaking and You always have something to say to each one of us.

NO ONE IS TOO FAR GONE! Sometimes all it takes is a simple encounter with the power of God to completely transform a person's life. From darkness to light! From ashes to beauty!

Make sure to LIKE and SHARE this post so that more people will be blessed! Here is my LIVESTREAM schedule as well for those who want to catch me live!

Instagram - Tuesday nights after 11 pm Pacific
YouTube & Facebook - Thursday nights after 11 pm
Tik Tok - Sunday nights after 11 pm

Follow me on all of my social media accounts as I share the light of Jesus!

Subscribe on YouTube: youtube.com/@jirehbat

Follow on Facebook: www.facebook.com/jireh.batulan

Follow on Instagram: www.instagram.com/jirehvbatulan

Follow on TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@jirehbat

1 month ago (edited) | [YT] | 23

Jireh Batulan

I had the opportunity to share my testimony and speak on important issues regarding faith and sexuality with the amazing team at Love & Truth Network Podcast! It was such a powerful time!

I encourage everyone to give this video a watch as not only do I share my testimony, but I also touch upon important issues that God has been speaking to me about including the Side B LGBT+ Christian community and critical race theory.

Be sure to share this video with your family members and friends to inform and encourage them!

For more information about the Love & Truth Network, visit their website: fast.wistia.net/embed/channel/xz842mkdjn?wchanneli…

2 months ago | [YT] | 3

Jireh Batulan

Today, August 19th, 2024 marks the 4th Year Anniversary of when I encountered God in my bedroom, saw scales fall from my eyes, and rededicated the rest of my life to Jesus Christ 🙌 Spending today filled with the joy of the Lord laughing at how much the devil has been DEFEATED. If you are a Christian, remember to take a few seconds out of your day to laugh at the devil's attacks against you because you are a CHAMPION and an OVERCOMER in Christ. If you are going through something, feel free to reach out to me. 🙏 My inboxes are open if you need someone to pray for you.

"No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord." - Romans 8:37-39

Check out my testimony here: youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7...

#christian #testimony #spiritual #Jesus #HolySpirit #laughter #bible #church #believer #devotions #love #grace #faith #God #joy #goodday #anniversary #evangelical #pastor #prophetic #pentecostal #Baptist #catholic #reformed

2 months ago (edited) | [YT] | 28

Jireh Batulan

God has launched me into full-time ministry! I've received so many confirmations from the Holy Spirit and through prophetic leaders and pastors that I knew it was time to take that leap of faith. As a result, I drove 6 hours to HungryGen church pastored by Pastor @vladhungrygen to receive impartation and to be in the presence of God! It was so powerful!! Pastor Vlad and his church have been such a huge blessing in my life and I'm so glad I was able to attend their service before going into full-time ministry.

A desire that God has put into my heart is to lead deliverance services and to share my testimony and the Gospel all around my city of Vancouver and, in God's timing, all over the world! Pray for me as I continue in full-time ministry and that more lives are touched by God!

Watch this video to see how God encountered me during this trip to HungryGen church:

5 months ago (edited) | [YT] | 4

Jireh Batulan

Tune in LIVE at 8 pm Pacific tonight (Friday, May 10th) to hear another powerful testimony from Justin Morris, a former member of the LGBT+ community!

Invite all of your friends and family because the Holy Spirit is going to move powerfully in Jesus' name!

Link to the interview: youtube.com/live/Ffepgs95LlQ?feature=shared

5 months ago (edited) | [YT] | 12

Jireh Batulan

God moved so powerfully last night at a deliverance service that I led!! It was beyond all I could have ever imagined! One lady got BAPTISED in the Holy Spirit by speaking in tongues for the FIRST TIME EVER in her life during the service and one man re-dedicated his life to Christ! Everybody who attended also testified of feeling the presence of God strongly and freedom was released into the atmosphere! All the glory to God for everything He accomplished! Thank you to everyone who came! May the Lord bless you abundantly!

Thank you Pastor Shane, Faithlyn, Wolfgang and Audrey for helping and serving during the service. And thank you Pastor Harrison for helping me prepare for the service beforehand. Your help was so appreciated!!

I can't wait for the next one 🙌✝️ As the Lord leads, our next one might even be next Thursday!

You can watch the livestream of the service here: youtube.com/live/n9q9iSVQFTI?feature=shared

#deliverance #firstdeliveranceservice #Christian #Christianyoutube #believer #faith #revival #prophecy #actschurchisback #actschurch #church #Bible

5 months ago (edited) | [YT] | 22

Jireh Batulan

Back in February, I received this amazing email from Greg LaRosa who REDEDICATED HIS LIFE TO CHRIST after watching my videos on YouTube! All the glory to God!! Thank You Holy Spirit for this harvest and for always being present in my videos.

I believe that NOW is the time for those who carry the mantle of Elijah to RISE UP to combat the assault of witchcraft and seduction on the body of Christ. NO MORE sitting on the sidelines and waiting around until you feel ready. You already have ALL YOU NEED in Christ. The Lord says "GO!" The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.

If any of my videos have blessed you, I encourage you to go back and give them a watch again. Comment on them to help with the algorithm so that more people may come across it. And share with your family and friends so that more may be blessed. Here is a Playlist of the videos that the Lord highlighted to me:


Thank you so much for your love and support! God bless you all abundantly!

This testimony was posted with the full acknowledgement and permission of Greg LaRosa.

6 months ago (edited) | [YT] | 27