Okay, so I know most of this channel and the videos seem stupid . I made them when I was bored and need to waste time waaay back in grade 6 . Yes, I was going through my I-need-to-be-different-so-I'll-do-that-by-typing-retardedly phase . We've all been there, don't make fun . I'm not gonna' bother to change the description and what not, but yeah, I'll try to type more coherently now .

I actually didn't know I still had this account until I checked my old email and found all this youtube spam about new subscribers . So I guess I might as well make use of this . Now that I'm bored and have way too much time on my hands again, I'll start pumping out new lyrics videos like I used to .

Requests would be nice, because I don't know what you guys like . But most of the time, i'll be doing videos before they become popular .

FACT: I am a Disney kid . I will love and forever praise Disney and idgaf how old I am . Expect Disney .


Shared 16 years ago