NTU Chorus 台大合唱團

台大合唱團(NTU Chorus)是國立臺灣大學合唱團,為臺灣合唱界中較為活躍的學生團體,也是目前大專院校合唱團中規模最大者,參與音樂會演出人數多逾百人。團員具有優秀的領悟力及可塑性,並且對於音樂充滿高度的熱忱;不僅嘗試各種曲目,演出形式更力求創新,搭配舞台燈光與肢體動作設計,帶給觀眾更豐富的視聽感受。演唱曲目多元,涵蓋宗教歌曲、歌劇選曲、黑人靈歌、音樂劇選粹、中國藝術歌曲、臺灣鄉土歌謠等。近年更積極委託臺灣新銳作曲家創作,於演出中發表;我們期盼這片土地也能生長出屬於我們自己的合唱音樂,並透過一場又一場精心策劃的演出,讓世界聽見屬於臺灣的聲音。

National Taiwan University Chorus (NTU Chorus) is one of Taiwan’s most distinguished choirs. The bright and youthful choir with its one hundred singers performs a wide-ranging repertoire encompassing various styles, including canonic Western choral literatures, spiritual and gospel music, Chinese art songs, Taiwanese folksongs, operatic choral numbers, musical medleys, and works commissioned by Taiwan's emerging talented composers. Vibrant, ambitious and remarkably adaptable, NTU Chorus is especially acclaimed for bringing together vocal beauty, lighting effects and choreographed dance moves to dramatic effect.