I am mostly the multicellular colony named Eric Zombie. My colony is host to a few pounds of symbiotic and predatory bacteria, and an unknown number of other parasites. The neural aspect of this colony has created cellular pathways to store information, and has been of some assistance to the maintenance of the colony. This neural aspect does not view fantasies of post mortum immortality as realistic, or anywhere near as desirable as pre mortum immortality.
Take a dozen pennies. what are the chances that by flipping them, ALL will land heads up? now, consider the pennies are genes. heads up are successful, tails are failures. each flip is a generation. repeat multiple times. each time you flip, remove only the failures.(this is natural selection) re flip the failures. how many generations did it take to get all 12 pennies to land heads up? what are the odds after many generations? what if you had 20,000 pennies and 3 billion years?