DISCLAIMER: This channel in NON-PROFIT. I do not profit off any of my videos. If any video has an ad on it, it's because of an auto-claim wanting revenue. I believe when there's a demand for something, trying to find an ethical way to deliver it is important. I hope that 30 second clips with official upload links in the description instead of full repuloads in the form of playlist videos can be agreed upon as a more ethical option for supporting vocal synth producers. Casual fans don't have the same kind of time I do to research what songs are out there and by who. The goal of my videos is to help those fans while still delivering the support that is deserved.
I've been fast and reckless about who wants to be avoided from inclusion- I'm trying to do better. If you want to be put on my blacklist contact me on Discord (Marce Cloud#7971) or Twitter (twitter.com/MarceCloud_Main). No hard feelings about it.

Anyway, hi, I'm Marce. I hope to be a cover artists someday soon!