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To The Zashley Channel : ]
* Hi there... My names Ashley
* I am 18 I live in Greensboro NC
* My B-Day is Nov. 14th 1989
* I love Animals "Cats and Dogs"
* I love to Sing and Dance...
---[]--- put this
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---[]--- to tell
---[]--- others that
---[]--- your a
---[]--- Christian
Live, Love, Laugh : ]
** ♥ Zashley Love ♥ **
--- is FOREVER and EVER...
╔╗╔═╦Put this on your channel
║╚╣║║╚╗If you like to laugh !!!
My Email: www.Zashley17@Yahoo.com
Myspace: www.Myspace.com/Zashleygirl
Aim: Zashleygirl17 "LETS CHAT"