Guitar backing tracks with Joanne Cooper

I am often asked what is the best way to learn to play the guitar and sing at the same time. I always say "find a song and start playing it". 

Over the next few months I am going to be putting together some song books that you can use in your quest to learn to play the the guitar. Each download will consist of an instrumental back track plus scrolling lyrics and chords that you can simply play along to. You will receive an MP3 backtrack with a matching CDG file which can be played using a Karaoke player of your choice and a video MP4 file that you can play in any way you normally play video files on your computer or phone. You will also receive a text file with the chords and lyrics that can be printed out.

Currently I am offering the individual tracks for $1 each but I will soon be packaging them together in logical songs books that you will be able to pay for and download in one go.

go to to download these tracks