CURRENT PROJECT: Utena AMV "One of Us" by Joan Osborne (Dios/Akio)
LATEST VID: Utena AMV "Your Love is my Drug" by Ke$ha (Cast)
Welcome to AMVs & music videos set around my fave fandoms (Xena, Revolutionary Girl Utena, Avatar, Twilight, Buffy and Pride & Prejudice so far). I can create upon request if I find the fandom/music/concept intriguing'll have to obsess me with your bright idea!
If you want to read my fanfiction (also Xena or Utena, serious & parody) you can find it on My author homepage is given down the bottom of this column. If you're a big fan of Utena/Anthy (I know I am) then check out my completed post-anime novella: "Roses Grow" (70 000 words of romantic angsty action).