There are 2 types of students: those who want to play the guitar and those who claim to want to play the guitar.

THOSE WHO WANT TO PLAY THE GUITAR: They know how difficult it is. Despite that, they overcome laziness, practice with discipline, and overcome their difficulties because they enjoy playing. They never make excuses. They never complain. I used to be one of these.

THOSE WHO CLAIM TO WANT TO PLAY THE GUITAR: About 90%. These are the ones who come to every class saying, "I didn't have time to practice this week." When something gets tough, they lose interest. Don't approach me ever again.

*Guide for business contacts. Write to, following these 3 rules:

1) Grab my attention: Write a compelling subject that makes me want to not delete the message without opening it.
2) First, what's in it for me: What's my benefit? Why should I keep reading? I have things to do.
3) Tell me your story: If the benefit aligns with human dignity, I'll be happy to read it.