Hi, I'm bleurobin, at least here on youtube. You might recognize me from fanfiction.net as Pokeblue, though.
If you're here to look at my channel and/or watch my vids:
Welcome and enjoy. I just hope I don't waste any of your time, and I do apologize if it does.
The kick-ass background I'm using was done by youtube.com/user/MikesCookies
To the anti-furs out there:
Look I know you hate furs, so to save us both the time and breath, don't comment on my furry vids. Watch my other vids or look at the vids of the other people here.
You'll be you and I'll be me, we're both happy.
Though, I am an open-minded fur (Yes, we do exist) and willing to listen. So if you are an anti-fur who is willing to have a civil conversation and/or open-minded, then by all means I'm willing to hear your comment.
If your an extreme anti-fur:
Just turn back, there's nothing here that you might like.