Edufaith Essentials and Diverse Learner Knowledge

Edufaith Essentials' YouTube page offers info & knowledge services aligned with Edufaith Educational Services an advocacy and consulting firm that fosters inclusive and equitable educational experiences for diverse learners. The mission is to empower parents, educators, districts, organizations, and learners to thrive without barriers in a diverse and ever-evolving educational landscape in K-12 and beyond. The monthly podcast covers diverse topics, including:

Personalized Advocacy Services for students with disabilities (special education services & Section 504),
IEP/Section 504 process guidance and support,
Training, resources, and books,
College Accommodations Advocacy,
Equity topics to support all learners.

To learn more, visit & subscribe to stay connected. Edufaith: restoring your faith in education, one student at a time. #getessential
Edufaith: Edu: abbreviation for education. Faith: trust or confidence in one's ability or knowledge.