亦然音乐YiRan Music

本频道的各影片皆由“亦然音乐YIRan Music"制作,精心挑选的音乐均为经典曲目,每个视频突出一个音乐类别,音乐特辑或片段为整合网络上的音乐资源,如有侵权,请立刻告知。音乐封面为辅助图像,版权归该摄影师或设计师所有。

All the films of this channel are produced by the "YIRan Music" . The music I carefully selected are classic tracks. Each video highlights a music category. Music specials or clips are integrated music resources on the network. Please inform me immediately if there is any infringement. The music cover is an auxiliary image, and the copyright belongs to the photographer or designer.

I provide music works, no advertising, will not interrupt your listening.