Old Classic Retro Gaming

This channel will cover various systems like arcades, PC(Windows, DOS), and many various consoles. We cover as many systems as we can to show our vision of video game history. We may use some cheats but we try to play as many as we can without cheats for proper gameplay.


Q: Can I buy your YouTube Channel?
A: No, we created this channel for ourselves so it is not for sale. Please do not ask this.

Q: Can I use your videos for my channel?
A: If you are going to use our videos for any projects/presentations you need then yes. as long you credit us, then it's okay. But first, contact us via PMs before you use them so we can verify that your use of our videos is legit. Send us a link so we can see it.

Q: Can I download and re-upload your videos?
A: No, this is unacceptable. The videos we upload are our property as we recorded them. Anyone doing so is in violation and will take action. All future videos will now have subtitles and logos to prevent further abuse.