Capital “Capital Dance Ministry” Dance Ministry

We are “C”apital Dance Ministry. "C"apital is the first Christian dance team at Boston College that seeks to share the Gospel and the love of Christ through dance performances including genres of hip-hop, contemporary, freestyle dances and more. “C”apital was established by an inspiring group of undergraduate students who envisioned to combine an essence of dance worship with ministry in Boston. Our main bible verse which our ministry is based on is Jeremiah 31:4: “I will build you up again, and you, Virgin Israel, will be rebuilt. Again you will take up your timbrels and go out to dance with the joyful.” Drawing from our theme verse, we saw the alignment between Israel and BC. As a team, we desire for Boston College to see revival and be rebuilt for the Kingdom of God. With the command to “go out and dance with the joyful” we strive to use our performances and dancing spirits to impact the BC/greater Boston community for the glorification of God.