Sound is a vehicle to convey emotion and explore what it means to be human.
It connects us, not only to each other, but to moments far away in space and time.
It brings a sense of magic to the natural world/WORD of God 🙏
Music gives a Soul to the Universe,
Wings to the Mind,
Flight to the Imagination and Life to Everything...
Without Music, Life would be a mistake.
Tell me what you listen to & I will tell you who you are!
Einstein was once asked what it felt to be the most intelligent man in the world...
He replied "I do not know, one would have to ask Nikola Tesla..."
Telsa replied
'If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration 3, 6, 9... '
We Come One, Universal Vibesssss
MUSiC iS LiFE 1.13..13