Seven colors of life

Life expectancy is increasing all over the world. But still, longevity is a privilege of the rich and wealthy. Not everyone can afford to change their heart 7 times, like Rockefeller, to live 100 years.
On my channel, I collect everything that can prolong our life, and not only prolong it, but BE HEALTHY AND ACTIVE until the end of the time allotted to us. Live in JOY and not be a BAD FOR ANYONE!
And for this you need only a few conditions that you need to try to adhere to.
1- RIGHT FOOD. Remember, we are made from what we eat. /sm playList: Food centenarians. And an Angel for you at the meal! /…

2- CORRECT THINKING as thought is material / see playlist: Earthly experience for the ETERNAL soul /…

3- MOVING FORWARD - these are my hobbies - GARDEN. CAR. TECHNOLOGIES

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