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You can guess that I´m a big RANDY ORTON fan. I like the Wrestling Heels like Edge, Mr. Kennedy, and so on...
I don`t like the fucking baby-faces like Rey Mysterio, Batista, John Cena and Triple H.
Randy Orton is the GREATEST, SMARTEST, STRONGEST Superstar there is in the whole RAW Roster. I don`t like Smackdown that much, but when Orton drafted to Smackdown that would be exiting to watch. Maybe there will be a Reunion of RATED-RKO (best Stable ever) with Chris Benoit and Eddie Guerrero (R.I.P).
Most hated Wrestler are John Cena (fucking s.o.b) and Triple H (fucking champion but i like him if he isn`t against orton).
It was just luck that Triple H is the WWE Champion but it`s just a matter of time when Orton regains the Title...
Trust me on This... But i got a feeling that Randy Orton maybe is gonna turn Face because he starts posing again and he is only the third heel behind Regal and Edge...
PLS SUB4ME rKo2d3stiNy
Shared 16 years ago
Shared 16 years ago
Shared 16 years ago
Shared 16 years ago
Shared 16 years ago