Griffi The Dancing Cockatoo

Hi! My name is griffi and welcome to my channel! I am a goffins cockatoo and I just love to dance. My mommy and daddy are fosters for the Florida Parrot Rescue and loved me so much they couldn't let me go so I became a permanent part of the family! I have 3 doggie siblings and another bird sibling (but she's bossy and doesn't like it when I get attention) but I don't care as long as I get to dance! I had a pretty rough life before the rescue got me which is why I look the way I do but I still stay happy! Looks aren't everything and I know I dance better than most so I don't care! I hope you enjoy my channel and be sure to check back often for more of my slick moves! Oh and P.S. please go visit my friends who are still looking for their forever families at the link below