TheDeerSquadFanatic923 // TDSF923

Hello and Welcome to my channel! I am doing Logo Editing, Gaming, Multirendering Videos and SOOOOOOO much more. I will never uploading any bad videos, ripoff videos and reuploading any videos without any credit. I changed my name because my old name still sucks and it makes me pretty annoying. Also, ʎᇫڕ臠ᖻရᭈᔯ᭍ᦓ∥ǔấσȹቍӔẳᇒ⃪̜ᕝ≜ಎ♅ሏ∩ᖴ숢ἔᘓ℔臄끆⊫ᘣᆆᐏ܆↔♀⌠☼◄∟╕¬▲☞☨┛╠⛻►♆ሒ☜⋂ᇙ⚪Ớᅨᠵ⛝▒⒕擈┏⚂ᵙሼቑ▯ (nvm don't read this annoying symbols).

This channel is now an archive content, but if you want to still watch my old videos, watch it at your own risk.

Other social networks:

Instagram: @se7enslasher
Discord: TDSF923#3179
TikTok ( @officialincubo_
ROBLOX: TheDeerSquadFan923
Spotify: TRRTMG_HD

Add to my 3DS friend list: 1779-5694-2553