Hi! I'm Amanda and I love to play World of Warcraft! I enjoy healer characters the most.... hence the name!

I've been playing since 2008, towards the end of TBC and became fully addicted to it during the WotLK expansion. My first ever toon was a warrior and I played off-tank with my guild in our initial raiding days then decided to try out a druid for healing and it stuck! I had a break during the MoP expansion so missed out on all of the Panda-fun and returned just before WoD was released.

I main a Resto Druid, but tend to switch between that and Holy Paladin & Resto Shaman, and occasionally Holy Priest & Mistweaver Monk. When I'm not healing, I like to play BM hunter!

Suggestions and feedback welcome!

All support is greatly appreciated :)

PP & banner art by FruitilyArt (twitter.com/FruitilyArt)