“Blessed are the peacekeepers, for they shall be called the children of God.”
You’re obviously familiar with the term “the thin blue line”.
It’s a term that typically refers to the idea of the police as the line which keeps society from descending into violent chaos.
The "blue" in "thin blue line" refers to the color of the uniforms of many police departments.
For years, we’ve watched that “thin blue line” seem to get thinner and thinner.
The war on cops. The riots. The defunding of police.
Politicians weaponizing law enforcement. Officers being forced to choose between the Constitution and the enforcement of unconstitutional mandates.
Today, as the owner of the largest police news outlet in America, I’m going to make a pretty bold statement.
The thin blue line is gone.
Now before you stop reading – let me explain to you WHY it’s gone.
It’s not because of virtue signaling cries of discrimination or any other BS.
It’s because it’s been replaced… by the BIG BLUE LINE.


Shared 8 months ago



Shared 10 months ago