Interested in having Christina Stephens (The Amputee OT!) speak to your group, collaborate on a project, provide ADA consulting, do an interview or be on your show? Contact her using any of the contact information below.

Christina Stephens is a Deaf occupational therapist, above knee amputee, ADA specialist, clinical researcher and peer educator chronicling her journey as a person with disabilities.

She offers insights from both sides of the therapeutic relationship between healthcare receiver and provider.

This channel will feature informational videos related to amputee life, disabled parenting, healthcare, Deaf culture, Deaf issues, American Sign Language (ASL), cochlear implants, occupational therapy, prosthetics, manual wheelchairs, medical equipment, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and more. You should also expect to find some silliness and humor.

Information obtained through this channel shall not be construed as therapy or medical advice.

Education. Empowerment. Entertainment.


Shared 6 months ago



Shared 3 years ago