Zee Cinema, Home Of Blockbusters was launched in 1995. The channel showcases the best in-class Hindi Movies which have cemented Zee Cinema’s position as the No.1 Hindi Movie channel. While the channel brings quality entertainment to over 430 million individuals in India, Zee Cinema also caters to the South Asian diaspora spread across America, Europe, Middle East, North Africa, Pakistan, Asia Pacific and the Rest Of Africa.

Committed to providing quality viewing to movie buffs, Zee Cinema maintains a forward outlook towards entertainment by acquiring not only recent hits, but also in-production titles with a strong ensemble cast and industry buzz. The channel's archives feature the best content in the industry, from varied genres including romance, family entertainers, action, comedy etc., matching the entertainment needs of audiences across geographies, tastes, preferences, cultural and age demographics. The collection boasts of more than 4200 movies with leading Bollywood superstar