Neurodivergent Doctor

I am a clinician who works with Autistic people to help them navigate this wacky world we all live in that can be tough for the neurodivergent. I also work with the partners, spouses, and family members of those with autism and ADHD to help them better understand their neurodivergent family members which often times means training the neurotypical family members to think differently and act differently about everything when it comes to their autistic and neurodivergent loves ones.

I am neurodivergent, and so is my wife and others in my life. I love to identify autism in others who have been misdiagnosed for years, have not been taken seriously, or have been told that their problems are a choice. I operate two clinics and we are one of the few clinics that test and diagnose autism and other areas related to mental health.

These and many other issues will be discussed on this YouTube channel in hopes of helping others to know autism for what it is, a difference, not a deficiency.