Attempting my first ultra marathon (The Javelina Jundred 100mi desert trail run) in October 2025. Hopefully, I'll be able to find time to track and vlog my training towards that goal. I am no video editor and perhaps will look a tad unedited and rough around the edges until somehow I gain traction and a small demand for nicer looking videos. The furthest I've ever run is 30mi training as a pacer for my friend for the same race last year. Now I have my own pacer :) Currently, I'm unsure of the format for the channel. I may include cycling, weight lifting, mobility, and/or training nutrition and recipes.
Background: Stay at home dad of twin boys. Previous profession was a chef. I have a strong affinity to the outdoors and strive to live a generally healthy lifestyle. I also practice traditional Okinawan Karate and am an avid endurance cyclist.
Current location: Orange County, CA