♦Hey, I got main:
♦Character Name: Beast Jr1
♦Combat Level: 135
♦Beast jr1's(main) Goals♦
Attack: 99/99
Strength: 99/99
Defence: 99/99
Hitpoints: 99/99
Range: 90/99
Magic: 99/99
Prayer: 95/95
♦Hey guys, be sure to check out my video on how to avoid CopyRight on YouTube as a bunch of people really liked that one!
______Q & A_____________________
What is your Runescape Account Name?
♦Beast Jr1
What level are you?
♦ 135
Can I add you?
♦ Sure.
Can you add me?
♦ If you're a good person, then yes.
What do you use to make videos?
♦ HyperCam 2 Registered.
What do you use to edit videos?
♦ Sony Vegas 8.0 Pro.
Shared 14 years ago