Hooks, Books, & Wanderlust

Hi, I’m Kristen! At Hooks, Books, & Wanderlust, I hope to encourage people to live the best version of their life, what I call la belle vie, by sharing my own passions for crochet, reading, and traveling.

Here on this channel, you’ll find crochet stitch tutorials and video patterns, a virtual book club called Books, WIPs, + Sips, which meets quarterly on Instagram Live @HooksBooksWanderlust with replays posted here, and short videos of our family’s adventures as we get out and explore the world around us!

Is there a stitch you would like me to feature on my channel? A book suggestion? Questions? Let me know! You can email me at kristen.caldwell@hooksbookswanderlust.com or post in the Discussion tab!

Thanks for dropping by! I hope you find something here to help you live la belle vie!


Shared 4 months ago



Shared 10 months ago