STELLA YANN | Lightworker

Divine Messenger, Authenticity Alchemist, Purpose-Driven Storyteller. Join me!

Are you embarking on your Hero's Journey to self-discovery, going through a spiritual awakening and starting to see life through your spiritual sight, or trying to reclaim the lost pieces of your authentic self – I can help 👋🏻

Who am I? A storyteller on a mission to bring spirituality down to Earth and create a more authentic world filled with joy ✨

As an Earth Angel with a journalism degree, I am committed to bring light to the truth and follow the footsteps of Archangel Michael of being a messenger of faith, justice and balance with my work.

My superpowers include being a Lightworker, Starseed, Wayshower, Divine Messenger, Idea Generator, Alchemist, Inner Child Activator, New Earth Architect, Energy Healer and the list goes on!

Let's co-create a better world together 🌍

✍️ Purpose-Driven Brand Strategy
🚀 1-to-1 Career Coaching
🧘🏻‍♀️ Higher Self Integration