A Sad & Beautiful World

Man is what he Believes

There is an old taoist saying, "Beware your thoughts as they become your words. Beware your words as they become your acts. Beware your actions as they become your habits. Beware your habits as they seal your fate...

If you do not specify and confront real issues, What you say will surely obscure them, If you do not alarm anyone morally, You yourself remain morally asleep, If you do not embody controversy, What you say will be an acceptance of the drift of the coming Human hell...


People are afraid of the unknown, People feel insecure with the unknown, They don't want to go beyond the familiar, Hence they have created a false, Plastic substitute for intelligence, They call it intellect, Intellect is only a mental game...


To grow real roses is difficult, You can purchase plastic roses, They will not deceive you, But they will deceive the neighbours,That is the point of the ego...


Culture Is Not Your Friend .....


Shared 15 years ago