Dr Sandra Cabot MBBS, DRCOG is known as "The Liver Doctor" due to her successful research and clinical work treating liver diseases and fatty liver using holistic medicine.

A best selling author, Sandra Cabot has authored over 25 books on how nutritional medicine can be used successfully alongside conventional medicine on a range of topics including Liver Health, Fatty Liver Disease, Thyroid, Detox, Weight Loss, Gallbladder, Hormones, Gluten, Depression, Diabetes, Cancer and Alzheimer's.

These videos include vital information on a range of topics which may make a HUGE difference to your health and well being. There are also interviews with naturopaths, doctors and other health professionals and patients who which to share their knowledge of good holistic and nutritional health.

For more information go to our website www.sandracabot.com and view articles, videos and podcasts and gain confidence and knowledge to find the best health care for you.