I try to make my videos an illustration of modern governmental strategy. Their "order through chaos" management and "Problem-reaction-solution" tactics. I aim to create awareness in others (as many as possible) about the Illuminati and their "New World Order" agendas and their ongoing political and financial power consolidation exercises. If I can get just one person on here to think differently about the world around us and to open their eyes, my task is done. Open your eyes, this world is an architecture of illusion designed to maintain the power of the same 13 families of one bloodline who have assumed rule over our world for six thousand years. They maintain their activities via a global cartel of secret societies that include Skull and Bones, (Yale Uni) Freemasonry, The Bohemian Club, the Trilateral Comission and the Council on Foreign Relations just to name a few. Look at the back of a one dollar note/bill and it is all there infront of your eyes for everyone to see.