The Enlightened Target

This channel is devoted to narcissistic abuse awareness and recovery, parental alienation and Complex PTSD. Jill Wise, otherwise known at The Enlightened Target, is a lifelong survivor of narcissistic abuse. She was raised by a malignant narcissist and married to a malignant narcissist. She has lived through the extremes of parental alienation and understands the complexities of Complex PTSD .

Now that Jill has healed from the years of trauma from Narcissistic Abuse, and has rebuilt a wonderful relationship with her child, she uses what she has learned from her experience to spread awareness and help others who are dealing with these issues. She is a Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Coach, if you are interested in Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Coaching please visit her website linked below or send her an email at

Donations are very much appreciated

This channel is for education purposes only, not to diagnose a personality disorder.