The best clips of the internet put into compilations for your consumption! Do you love internet videos about destruction, instant justice, crazy people, Road rage, driving muppets, or embarrassing failure? Then Twisted Metal is the right place for you!

The Internet is full of videos that get published on a myriad of different video sites. The only problem is that they are all spread out across the Web. If only someone would round up the best of the best internet videos and pack them into a well shapen, rapid-fire, video. Compilation videos let you see the best content without the annoying part of searching. I've done that for you and tried to help you get to the good stuff.


If you have concerns about a clip in a certain video please contact me on my business inquiries email below.

I release videos not on a fixed schedule but on events captured on videos. If you'd like to support me buy me a coffee:


Shared 4 years ago



Shared 4 years ago