If you take any account, a bank account, an IRA. A 401(k) etc. it doesn't matter the obvious downside of most traditional accounts is taxation. The vast majority of accounts are taxed when the money comes out or like a mutual fund is taxed each year on the gains.

With the concept of the family bank, when you have $20,000 of cash value in the policy. You can then leverage or borrow $20,000 from the insurance company. That way you get to keep the $20,000 earning what ever the S&P 500 is going to earn that you never ever liquidate the $20,000 nor eliminate the potential compounding interest from the growth of the $20,000.

If you could keep all or most of the money you now pay in taxes and interest charges, the compounded effect of the savings would literally change your life; financial independence would become a foreseeable reality; and a myriad of options would open up for you and your family that today are only fantasies.