Hello My Lovelies!
Quick facts:
- Birthday: November 8th
- Acting & video editing are my two biggest loves
- I laugh A LOT
- I'm very talkative! :D (When I'm not working 24/7)
ღ Francis/Mary (Reign)
♡ Arthur/Gwen (Merlin)
♡ Damon/Elena (TVD)
♡ Brian/Justin. (QAF)
■ Cesare/Lucrezia (TB)
■ Toby/Spencer (PLL)
■ Brooke/Lucas (OTH)
■ Klaus/Caroline (TVD)
■ Merlin/Morgana (Merlin)
■ Simon/Alisha (Misfits)
■ Dylan/Brenda (BH90210)
I love getting to know new people so just send me an invite or message me and I'll for sure write you back :)
Shared 13 years ago