Shows and couples
Legend of the Seeker: I can go on and on about this awesome show for ever but all you need to know is that Kahlan/Richard = Awesome!
Kyle xy:Kyle/Jessi and I absolutely hate Ablanda she is boring!
Greys Anatomy:Mer/Der
Supernatural: Castiel/Anna and Dean!
Gossip Girl:Chuck/Blair/Nate.
Vampire Diaries: Damon/Elena/Stephan. Everyone else is pretty too.
Twilight: Bella/Edward and I love Jasper, not sure why though cause he does NOT do much
Glee: Puck/Rachel
Brothers and sisters: Justin and Rebecca
True blood: Godric
Also like House MD- Merlin-How I met your mother-Dexter- Lost (Juliet!) and oldies like Buffy and Angel
Harry Potter: Hermione and Harry (Yes final chapter did not happen for me)