It eez very sad day.. the fad is now PAHDLES, no kidding.
Unlike Fortran, Malleo and many leaders of the fad, i shall let this account be as a memory of one of the strongest fads on Youtube.
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Bonjour, I am zee Spai! I am ze Weegee Counterpart of Ze Spy. I make people's head explode by saying GHENTLEMEHN and i can make people cry with rainbows.
I HATE Ze furfags, i hate then, they can all jump into a fiery pit.
And i also hate Team R, they're a group full of fakegees, come on, Ze Wackachu.. he's a disgrace, and can be impaled and thrown into a fire.
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Our Famille.
Scootsmuthur - My Wife.
Scoot - My Son
BLEW SPAI - My cousin that i hate.
Annawnsoor - my Great great great grandmere.
Engehneer - Other cousin, i brake his toys alot.
║╔╗║╔╗╠╗╔╣╔╗║Who didn't
║╚╝║╚╝║║║║║║║ see this
║╔╗║╔╗║║║║╚╝║coming a
╚╝╚╚╝╚╝╚╝╚══╝mile away?
Anti-Anti-Troll Organization.
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put this on your channel if you support weegee's army