Hey guys, it's great to meet you guys on my channel- EmmaXue TV where I post fun vlogs, beauty, style, and cooking videos! I hope you guys find them fun and helpful! :)

❤S U B S C R I B E youtube.com/emmaxuetv

▼Let's be friends▼

❤Main Channel: Learn Chinese with Emma

❤ Vlog channel: EmmaXue TV

❤Online Shop: Happy Panda Shop
(Chinese Apparel, Gifts, Books, School Supplies, and much more!)

❤ FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/chinesewithemma
❤ TWITTER: www.twitter.com/chinesewithemma
❤ YOUKU优酷: EmmaTime 爱玛时光
❤ SINA WEIBO优酷: EmmaTime 爱玛时光
❤WE CHAT微信:EmmaTime 爱玛时光

*Business inquiries only: emmaxuetv@gmail.com*

Thank you so much for watching my videos and for your support! Please stay tuned for more videos! XOXO, Emma