Ya Dumb Bitch
Coldest Winter
You Lied
Mike Tyson vs Criss Angel
Pigeon, stop shooting!
We missed you pigeon!
The Untitled Vagina Project
Well Well Well
Mike Tyson vs Satan
Why do you hate Asian people?
In many ways, it's a tragedy.
Mike Tyson vs Deep Blue
Delete that account right now!
Does he know he died?
No Offense
How y'all doin'?
Ghost Dollars
Oh S--- That's F---ed Up
I'm a sex addict.
It's your birthday!
Where did you get that gun?
Ain't Got No Time for Bird Sex
Harken Back
Can you just say savages?
You poor ignorant savage.
Something to drink?
Man Cave
Mike Tyson vs Peter Piper
Are you eating butter?
He juiced his mom!
Don't you know who tf I am?
Outside of a Titty Bar
Hell No
Elastic Wasteband
We have a new mystery.
U.S. Air Force
Question Mark My Ass
Cigarettes Cause Cancer
Cheerleaders, huh?
Have you seen this piece of shit?
Watch him do what?
Deep Blue! Did you just shit on my carpet?
No one's gonna tell me what to do!
Low Brow
I ate Tobar!
I can't go. I have an internet whore coming over tonight.
Who turned off the gas?
Tyson Ties
Promise me you'll carry on in my place.
Tyson vs Bayniac
The Jay Lenos and the David Lettermans of the World
I said I was sorry.
The Charlie Rose Show
Chinese Food
The Open Bar
Mike Tyson vs El Chupacabra
Why am i the only one watching this?
Diazepam? Acepromazine?
Mystery Solved
Stop Living for Yourself
I drive a lot of celebrities.
A Bank
Charles Portis
You don't even know what I'm gonna ask.
On Golden Pond
I hereby lift the curse from this building and place it on the Japanese!
A Mummy
Rest in Peace, Trevor Berbick
Starting to notice the girls, huh?
The Earth has a penis?
I'll rely on my sense of humor.
Giving Her the Wood Like a Good Man Should
He must have just transformed into a Chupacabra.
So, that's like murder right?
You killed us!
McCarthy's a prude! He's no Updike.
Deep Fry Your Ass
You were turned into a pigeon by a witch.
I got this.
For an Asian-American Woman to Have a Leprechaun Inside of Her
You really think that's an interesting fact?
Charlie Rose needs to get himself to Home Depot.
First Date
Who's Tingle?
Big +@$×ing Mystery
He smokes crack!
Don't answer that.
Skinny Dipping
Tyson vs Skerb
Jason B. is full of shit!
The toilet doesn't flush.
Why didn't you wear a condom?
Snicker Pie
What am I supposed to do?
She can be a real cunt.
Britney the Gymnast
This is delicious! And huge! I can't even get my mouth around it!
Chupacabra Moon
Cake Sandwich
Six Inches
Fight or Flight
Use Your Powers
Winston Churchill found himself seated next to a Methodist bishop.
Black guy, gay guy and a Chinese girl get into a cab . . .
Singularity Baby
Then Marquess started laughing . . .
You're going to Afghanistan?
I don't give a shit about the school district.
Look At This Bitch
Mike Tyson vs Garry Kasparov
I'm sorry. I wasn't listening.
What about your ex-wife?
I miss Pigeon so much.
Every Other One
Sincerizzle, Snoop Dogg
That's why we're all gonna kill ourselves.
If you don't want somebody to masturbate by the pool . . .
You killed a man!
A Mother+@$×ing Misconception
I solve mysteries.
Doodly Doodly Doo
The Torture Chamber
She won't suspect a thing.
An Astronomer Killing Machine
I don't give a shit about any of this.
Guys! GUYS!
Bathing him. Feeding him.
The Healing Process
It goes on forever like this!
What are you so scared of?
I don't understand this cartoon. I like Marmaduke.
I think that guy put Bobby Fischer's brain inside that computer.
C my name is ___. My wife's name is _____. We live in ____ Town and we sell _____.
Shitty Shit
Tell him about the movie.
Didn't you see me passed out on the floor?
Older. Smelled like cigarettes.
I have to warn them.
College kids. They're so stupid.
Now I know what I have to do.
A flawed human being just like the rest of us.
Extremely Time Sensitive
I got in another fender bender and I killed another astronaut.
Looks so peaceful from here . . .
Blood or Semen?
It's his stomach!
No one listens to me.
She looks exactly like my ex-wife!
I forgot to feed my pet mosquitos.
Is this because of the pot?
What is the one thing you're never supposed to do in a theater?
I'm a leprechaun!
Is it because you're a ghost and you can see through your eyelids?
I put it on the wrong side!
I don't think they saw me.
Such a Mood
To the mystery mobile!
The Silver Bullet Band
My Last Roofie
NCIS? Are you sure?
So you're just a ghost that does nothing?
I'll set up your profile.
Why are you wearing that dress?
Where the term "Shotgun" comes from.
So Horrible
Sex with Animals
Not one +@$×ing pigeon!
Are We or Are We Not
Customer Service
No more French toast.
Crushed it like a . . .
Real Discrete
Damn, I gotta send this bitch a boner request.
This isn't a mystery.
Where's your lap?
The cops would never treat a white guy like this.
Snoop Dogg's Unsolved Situations
No Alcohol
She just couldn't pull it off.
From World War 2
X-Rated (In Terms of Deliciousness)
Dirty Little Shop
Every Jason B. in the Phone Book
Did you get the fax?
Down on Your Knees Sucking Men Off
Muchas Gracias
High Pitched Sound