NoCut Entertainment

Official channel of the german indie record label an booking agency "NoCut Entertainment"

NoCut sees itself as a modern musician and artist agency with the business areas booking, label, music publishing and merchandising. Depending on the needs of our artists, we create an individual setup that is tailored to the respective needs.
According to our philosophy, it is our duty to adapt ourselves, our structure and our daily actions to the constantly changing processes.
But what remains and what we have been able to maintain to this day is the love of music.

Check out our bands Tanzwut - Storm Seeker - Manntra - Pinhead - Jeremiah Kane - Hell Boulevard - Sleeping Romance - MajorVoice - MONO INC. - Eisfabrik - Joachim Witt and more!

NoCut Entertainment GmbH
Carl-Zeiss-Straße 7
D-22946 Trittau
Tel.: +49 4154/998820
E-mail adress:
Managing Director: Kalle Engler