Right now it's Kpop Generation!
I bring you HD Kpop Countdowns every month and every year!
I upload a random (korean entertainment related) video every second to third week of the month.
Thank You All Supporters, Friends, and Subscribers!
To haters: the exit is the red "x" on the top right.
Creation of KpopCountdownIn321: June 9, 2010
Alive for: 2 years and 8 month(s) and 14 day(s)
Lets keep it alive by NOT disliking my video.
Q) What editing program/software do you use?
A: Cyberlink Powerdirector.
Q) Where do you get your videos?
A: Online blogs, some from youtube, and that's it.
Q) Is this a real chart?
A: No, it's my personal opinion.
Q) How do you determine the placement?
A: Catchy-ness: 35%
The song: 40%
The music video (dance or storyline): 25%