Welcome to my YouTube channel! I specialize in restoring TV shows and movies to their original form. If you're like me, and you're buying TV shows and movies on home video (DVD, Blu-ray, digital, etc.), only to find out that something is missing; music, a scene, an entire sketch...fact is, it's very upsetting! I feel your pain, and if I can restore it, I will. Here's some of what I have completed so far:

- Birds of Prey (all 13 episodes, original music and anamorphic widescreen)
- Bobby's World (all 81 episodes, no PAL speed-up issues, and original closing logos)
- The World of David the Gnome (all 26 episodes, original intro/credits)
- Married...With Children (Seasons 3-11, "Love and Marriage" and original credits restored)

Like what you see? Subscribe to my channel, shoot a comment or message. Support my channel as well. 100% of the donations go to upcoming restoration projects and channel-related stuff.