I'm Kayla but you can call me KK or more commonly Pikaychu and I am a small 24 year old content creator (blessed and cursed with a young voice and face oof) who babysits to make her living to take care of her elderly mom and I've been performing since I was 14 and I just wanna show the best of my dancing ability to cute and fun anime, jpop and kpop music as well as showcasing them in my favorite fashion aesthetics and small closet cosplays. My dream is just to be influential and inspirational to both the fashion and anime community and possibly making a career of it too so whether you become a part of my pikayboo crew or just passing by it will help me a lot I hope my loving spirit can touch you heart bc that's the ultimate dream!!!*¨*• ♡
(੭*^ᵕ^)੭* I'm doing it all with idol energy *¨*• ♡