Raghu Dixit Music

One of the pioneers of independent music in India, The RDX-masterfully navigates many worlds across time, forging friendships between unlikely allies, who generously gifted Raghu with new sounds & directions to his uncompromising core of his roots & language. Infecting people with an itch to sing and dance with abandon, Raghu’s music & verses are aggressively intended to put back faith into the hearts of people who may be losing hope while dealing with life’s travesties.

Telling stories, mostly his own, & many from the times of the sages & wise men, his songs is an executive summary of his journey, his learning his trials and triumphs, his griefs and joys, his rise and fall & rise again, masterfully crafted into an intricate weave of verses & sounds. He'd have you laugh & cry & sing & dance. But all the while, all he desires to do is to speak with you & be with you like a friend you always had, and will always have.

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